They Might Be Elders

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

...These are His children and we are to raise them to know Him and his ways.
Raising children is a challenge, but Heavenly Father would not give us a challenge we could not handle........
Well I think I'll be using blogspot again to blog.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I had a though

I thought that my blog needed some good music.  I really like this group they are awesome, I wish we had some groups like this around here.  These guys know how to have fun.  I am so going to buy there albums.  If you are wondering what I'm talking about just watch the YouTube video on my blog page.  They call themselves "They Might Be Elders", got to love their name too.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I don't know about all these storms, but to me it seems that we should prepare for anything. I know that I have not fully prepared for all this weather we been having. I just pray that Heavenly Father keeps watch over us.  I think this has been a wake up call for us to all get prepared to be able to weather the trouble ahead.  I need to do a lot of work to get things up to speed for my family.  Just wondering what to put in my kits that I think we need besides the basic for a emergency kit.  I think that a battery charger is a good idea, but let me put it out there that there are so many solar powered battery chargers at reasonable prices.  I looked it researched it on the Internet and found even the solar power car battery charger I wanted at a cost of only $35 to $45 dollars.  This saves all the trouble of finding the solar cells to build my own panel and it will be cheaper.  I also have seen many chargers for regular batteries to which are reasonably priced.  I would suggest picking up one of these if you can.  Also remember you also want to be able to go mobile if you have to and solar is the way to go for this.

Off the grid.

I was looking at a way to do solar energy for cheaper than what they charge at the companies that install the systems.  To my surprise I found out just how easy it is to make your own solar panels for under $100.00.  This seems to me to be a lot less than what they charge you for a home install.  The average cost of a solar energy system is anywhere for $25,000 and up.  I only need a solar panel for recharging a 12v battery, this is so I can keep my vehicle and radio batteries charged.  I have yet to see what the total cost will be, because the solar cells I'm looking at are in lots on e-bay.  So I could get them as cheap as $5 to $50 dollars for the number I would need to make my panel.  This would also be great source of power during a power outage.  I started thinking about this for the sole purpose of having a way to have power in a emergency situation.  I know that we should be prepared for the welfare of our families.  So I'm researching this cause this would be a better power source than a generator, if I can make it cost effective in the long run and could be more portable too.  I believe we should be ready to be mobile as well as prepared to be sufficient at home.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I want to get the word out.

I want to get the word about my blog out, but don't know how to do it.  So I guess some research is in order today to see what I can do to make my blog seen by more people.  I wanted to do this so I could share my testimony and my thoughts on what it is like to be a Mormon.  So that maybe I could help someone know what it's like from a converts point of view.  I also wanted to share other thoughts on my mind, just to be able to share them with people.  I hope that my writing this helps someone to find the truth of the restored gospel.

Monday, April 25, 2011

So what to talk today?

Well not really thought about what to write today.  I think I will continue with my story about how I became a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Like I said my wife is the reason I started looking at the church.  When I was in the military I had a friend that asked me to take him to church.  I said yes and we went to the church that was like his back home.  He told me he was a Mormon, well he was but not of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  He was from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (better know now as Community of Christ), they looked at me like I was nuts.  They did not like the fact that I smoked, or had tattoos, or earrings.  So I told my wife about this before we went to her church for the first time.  She told me that her church was not like that (note did not know I went to Community of Christ at this time.  A missionary figured that out later when I described the church to him.) I said ok.  We went to church as I said before in last post about my Conversion story that they were the first church ever to welcome me with open arms.  I had many talks with people at church and the missionaries about the church's teachings.  I got books out of the church library and also read stuff on line and from other media sources.  This was all a lot to process, but it all came completely clear when Heavenly Father showed me the true of the Book of Mormon.  From then on it was following Heavenly Father in complete faith, this has been a very humbling and life changing thing for me in my life.  Thank you Heavenly Father for all the blessings you pour on me and my family.  And for the strength you give us to make it through all the trials.  We thank you for all things in our life.  We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Starting the the day off right.

I woke up this morning to the bustle of sugar crazed children, lol.  Got to love Easter baskets. It's all good though, I love my kiddos.  I would like to say this morning that this is a great day, the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead.  Finishing the Atonement for all of us, giving us the chance to actually return to live with Heavenly Father.  Heavenly Fathers plan of salvation for us is the greatest plan in our lives.  For those of you who know this you can understand how I feel.  For those of you who don't, well, Heavenly Father has a plan for salvation that through Jesus Christ who died for our sins.  So that we can have forgiveness for our sins and return to live with Heavenly Father someday.  Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead to Atone for a our sins before we were even here on the earth.  This to me is the greatest gift that a father could do for his children.  I have never been so touched by a event in history than Jesus Christ, Atoning for my sins before I ever came to this earthly home.  How humbling it is to know that Heavenly Father loves us that much, how astounding, and amazing that kind of love is.

Tonights thoughts.

My wife and I were watching a video on YouTube about the building of the Salt Lake City Temple.  I did not know that the building of that temple took 40 years.  How they had to hide the work from the government army that rode out to check on what they were doing.  All that hard work and toil that it took to construct that temple amazes me.
This type of sacrifice that the pioneers of the Mormon religion had to make for their faith was inspiring to me.  I wish that I had the conviction to keep a journal like they did.  And to keep the records of the beginning of the church in tack for future generations.  This leads me to look at what I am doing to keep my convictions this strong.  For their stories always lead me to work harder to do my Scripture studies daily, also to pray more often, and try to find ways to tell others.  I love to see and read these stories for they always seem to strengthen my testimony about the church.

History of the Mormons in Utah & the Salt Lake Temple

This a series of 8 films on YouTube, check them out.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ok Let's talk.

Today is my wife's birthday (note: It's daylight).  I want her day to be the best day it can be for her. 
This is a day of great things, like the day my wife was born into this world.  She became a shining sunbeam here on the earth.  She will never understand how I feel about her while we are here on earth.  She should get everything she wants or needs, I will try to provide this for her.  But our love has stood some very hard times and has made our marriage strong. I love you with all my heart dear wife. Happy Birthday.

I can't wait

Today is my wifes birthday.  I love her with all my heart, and hope to make tomorrow a great day for her.  But I'm under strict orders to stay up till the storm has passed, her and the kids are scared of bad weather.  I needed to add something in to my last post that I forgot to share.  Another fun fact is that I did not take joining The Chuch of Jesus Chris of Latter-Day Saints lightly.  I was one of the most investigative under takings I have ever done with a church.  I have like I said investigated many churches, but this was different.  It took almost a year and half of going to this church and reading everything I could about it.  I listen to the missionaries lessons so many times I think I still have them memerised, lol.  This was the most difficult thing and most rewarding investigation in my life.  The truth that was shown to me by Heavenly Father changed ny life forever.  I can't wait to share more with you, but I think this is all I'm going to do for the night. (note: to me it is not tomorrow till you see daylight, lol.)

New to this

I thought this might be a good way to get out what I had to say.  I like to write about all kinds of stuff just never really could figure out the blogging thing.  So here it goes, so to speak, lol.  I have a really interesting story to tell about a event that happen my life that has changed it forever.  This event was after I first met my wife and she told me that she wanted to go to church with her children.  This was fine with me to take her and the kids so they could go to church, matter of fact I had actually grew up in church till I was 15.  Around 15 I started my own sort of religion search, I went to all the churches I could find to go to.  I went to all the normal christian churches, and even tried so not so normal churches.  I never could seem to find a church that felt right to me.  Ok so back to my story, I asked my wife what church I would be taking her too for church. She said I go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I said isn't that those Mormons.  My wife said yes it was, little did my wife know I had been to a Mormon church before.  So I said to my wife that I would go to her church, but would not take out my 6 gage earrings, or change my self to fit in.  I did wear nice slacks and dress shirt to church though out of my respect for churches.  I also told her as a side note to my story that she should not expect me to convert to Mormonism.  These people at this church who did not know me for Adam ( yeah I know there is a little pun here, lol), they did not shy away or avoid me at all.  This being the first time I have ever been fully accepted the way I looked.  Most churches would of avoided me as this was the usual response my appearance got when entering a new church.  So I felt at ease for the first time in a church, so I started to ask questions of the members and missionaries of the church.  They would answer my questions as best they could and tell me where to look if they didn't know.  Now let me tell you I have read many a book on religion so I decided to read the Book of Mormon.  Now a lot of the books I have read and found truth, but very little, the only book I've read a lot of that had all truth as far as I could tell that I have read was the bible.  So I prayed to Heavenly Father for guidance and to show me the truth, and started to read the Book of Mormon.  As I read this book I could feel the Holy Spirit with me the whole time I read it.  This is the first time in my life a book has changed my life, for I now know that the Book of Mormon is a true testament of Jesus Christ.  I have reorganised my life to have a better relationship with Heavenly Father like I have never had before.  I feel the Spirit with me everyday this is the most wonderful time in my life.  So that's the short version of how I became a Mormon.  I will post more of the story as I build up this blog.