They Might Be Elders

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I can't wait

Today is my wifes birthday.  I love her with all my heart, and hope to make tomorrow a great day for her.  But I'm under strict orders to stay up till the storm has passed, her and the kids are scared of bad weather.  I needed to add something in to my last post that I forgot to share.  Another fun fact is that I did not take joining The Chuch of Jesus Chris of Latter-Day Saints lightly.  I was one of the most investigative under takings I have ever done with a church.  I have like I said investigated many churches, but this was different.  It took almost a year and half of going to this church and reading everything I could about it.  I listen to the missionaries lessons so many times I think I still have them memerised, lol.  This was the most difficult thing and most rewarding investigation in my life.  The truth that was shown to me by Heavenly Father changed ny life forever.  I can't wait to share more with you, but I think this is all I'm going to do for the night. (note: to me it is not tomorrow till you see daylight, lol.)

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