They Might Be Elders

Monday, April 25, 2011

So what to talk today?

Well not really thought about what to write today.  I think I will continue with my story about how I became a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Like I said my wife is the reason I started looking at the church.  When I was in the military I had a friend that asked me to take him to church.  I said yes and we went to the church that was like his back home.  He told me he was a Mormon, well he was but not of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  He was from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (better know now as Community of Christ), they looked at me like I was nuts.  They did not like the fact that I smoked, or had tattoos, or earrings.  So I told my wife about this before we went to her church for the first time.  She told me that her church was not like that (note did not know I went to Community of Christ at this time.  A missionary figured that out later when I described the church to him.) I said ok.  We went to church as I said before in last post about my Conversion story that they were the first church ever to welcome me with open arms.  I had many talks with people at church and the missionaries about the church's teachings.  I got books out of the church library and also read stuff on line and from other media sources.  This was all a lot to process, but it all came completely clear when Heavenly Father showed me the true of the Book of Mormon.  From then on it was following Heavenly Father in complete faith, this has been a very humbling and life changing thing for me in my life.  Thank you Heavenly Father for all the blessings you pour on me and my family.  And for the strength you give us to make it through all the trials.  We thank you for all things in our life.  We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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