They Might Be Elders

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New to this

I thought this might be a good way to get out what I had to say.  I like to write about all kinds of stuff just never really could figure out the blogging thing.  So here it goes, so to speak, lol.  I have a really interesting story to tell about a event that happen my life that has changed it forever.  This event was after I first met my wife and she told me that she wanted to go to church with her children.  This was fine with me to take her and the kids so they could go to church, matter of fact I had actually grew up in church till I was 15.  Around 15 I started my own sort of religion search, I went to all the churches I could find to go to.  I went to all the normal christian churches, and even tried so not so normal churches.  I never could seem to find a church that felt right to me.  Ok so back to my story, I asked my wife what church I would be taking her too for church. She said I go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I said isn't that those Mormons.  My wife said yes it was, little did my wife know I had been to a Mormon church before.  So I said to my wife that I would go to her church, but would not take out my 6 gage earrings, or change my self to fit in.  I did wear nice slacks and dress shirt to church though out of my respect for churches.  I also told her as a side note to my story that she should not expect me to convert to Mormonism.  These people at this church who did not know me for Adam ( yeah I know there is a little pun here, lol), they did not shy away or avoid me at all.  This being the first time I have ever been fully accepted the way I looked.  Most churches would of avoided me as this was the usual response my appearance got when entering a new church.  So I felt at ease for the first time in a church, so I started to ask questions of the members and missionaries of the church.  They would answer my questions as best they could and tell me where to look if they didn't know.  Now let me tell you I have read many a book on religion so I decided to read the Book of Mormon.  Now a lot of the books I have read and found truth, but very little, the only book I've read a lot of that had all truth as far as I could tell that I have read was the bible.  So I prayed to Heavenly Father for guidance and to show me the truth, and started to read the Book of Mormon.  As I read this book I could feel the Holy Spirit with me the whole time I read it.  This is the first time in my life a book has changed my life, for I now know that the Book of Mormon is a true testament of Jesus Christ.  I have reorganised my life to have a better relationship with Heavenly Father like I have never had before.  I feel the Spirit with me everyday this is the most wonderful time in my life.  So that's the short version of how I became a Mormon.  I will post more of the story as I build up this blog.

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