They Might Be Elders

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tonights thoughts.

My wife and I were watching a video on YouTube about the building of the Salt Lake City Temple.  I did not know that the building of that temple took 40 years.  How they had to hide the work from the government army that rode out to check on what they were doing.  All that hard work and toil that it took to construct that temple amazes me.
This type of sacrifice that the pioneers of the Mormon religion had to make for their faith was inspiring to me.  I wish that I had the conviction to keep a journal like they did.  And to keep the records of the beginning of the church in tack for future generations.  This leads me to look at what I am doing to keep my convictions this strong.  For their stories always lead me to work harder to do my Scripture studies daily, also to pray more often, and try to find ways to tell others.  I love to see and read these stories for they always seem to strengthen my testimony about the church.

History of the Mormons in Utah & the Salt Lake Temple

This a series of 8 films on YouTube, check them out.

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